Last January, I released full-album covers of of Montreal’s “Hissing Fauna, Are You the Destroyer?” and David Bowie’s “Low,” two of my favorite albums of all time. It was a lot of fun making them, and I’m really proud of the end results! Feel free to download Hissing Fiznab, Etes-Vous le Destructeur? and Low here. […]
Category: Uncategorized
new OST
The fifth installment of the Nino OST is here! In 2023, there will be big updates about the Nino series, so please stay tuned and enjoy! Download here or listen on any streaming platform. If you want to catch up on previous installments in the story, check out the music tab under “Nino OST”! Nino […]
christmas album
Christmas is the season to show the people in your life what they mean to you. So, let’s enjoy some new songs to celebrate that occasion! You can download It’s Still Christmas right here now! 크리스마스는 주변에 있는 사람들에게 우리의 마음을 전하는 계절입니다. 그래서 새로운 노래들로 같이 성탄절을 축하합니다. 제가 우쿨렐레, 기타, 베이스, 트럼펫 등 […]
new album
Sequel to the electro-pop series that started with YBF and Staycation. Moodier and more ambient, let Love in the Time of Fiznab guide you into an arboreal daydream! Album art by Caleb Lechat. 이 앨범은 르샤 오 카페의 일렉트로팝 시리즈 3집입니다. 이번 앨범 수록곡들은 이전보다 더 쓸쓸하고 차분한 사운드로 구성되어 있습니다. 르샤 오 카페는 이번 […]
CD release (choose your own album)
I’ve released my very first CD, a unique compilation where you can make your own album. Check out the advertisement for it below: How to make your own album? Listen to the first song all the way to end. At the end of the song, follow the instructions toward choosing the next song. Once you […]
new album
My new album “Home Sweet Home” over a year in the making is coming to streaming services on October 1, but you can download it for free here! Changed jobs and haunts, stayed at home a lot, and wrote this album last year, including some songs I’d originally envisioned for a collaboration project. But it […]
latest news!
Hello! The latest news is that I’ve launched the brand-new Le chat au café website! Tune in for more deets as they happen! If you’d like to receive updates as they come out, send me an email at or just to say hello! 안녕하세요! 전해드릴 새로운 소식이 있습니다. 제 새로운 홈페이지가 오픈했습니다! 앞으로 홈페이지에서 […]