cherry blossom blues

Spring is a time for new beginnings, so it’s strange that the famous cherry blossoms disappear a mere week after blooming. That’s why spring gives me a weird feeling. But despite the sudden changes, I can always count on them coming back. Last spring, I released Cherry Blossom Blues, so just like the seasons, why not revisit it again!

봄은 새로운 시작의 계절인데 벚꽃이 일주일만에 사라지는 것은 이상하다. 그래서 매해 봄 내가 기이한 느낌을 받았다. 모든 것이 빠르게 변하지만 나는 그 사라진 것이 매년 다시 돌아온다는 것을 알았다. 작년에 ‘벛꽃 블루스’ 앨범이 나와서 다시 감상합시다^^

1 Printemps, Fleurs

2 Smile

3 Queen Bee

4 Hey There Little Ladybug

5 Nature Song

6 Let’s Have a Garden!

7 A Moth and a Butterfly

8 Rabbit Hole

9 Bunny Day

10 Isabelle

11 Cherry Blossom Blues

12 Bubblegum K.K.

‘Bunny Days’ filmed by Hana Lechat around the Seoul Museum of Craft Art
‘Cherry Blossom Blues’ filmed from March 28-April 1 around Jeongdok Public Library and Hana Lechat’s secret spring blossom street