Recently, I started performing electronic covers at open mic as something fresh and unique, so below are videos of me doing a Kero Kero Bonito medley, as well as The Beach Boys’ Let’s Put Our Hearts Together, as I’ve been working on a full album cover of their 1977 alum Love You for a while now, which I plan to release in the spring!
요즘 이렉트로닉 커버송을 만드는 것을 좋아한다. 오픈 마이크에서 우쿨렐레 보다 그냥 노래를 부르는 것을 편이다. 올해 이런 커버송을 여러가지 하는 것을 예정이다. 감사합니다!
That’s right, Le chat au café lives up to their name! A ukulele version of my electropop classic Cat Mom, as well as a new one called Waiting For Coffee inspired by Diners’ Waiting For Music, with its own music video. Download them both here!
Halloween is when I started playing music, and I like macabre stuff, so I always wanna play something around this time of year. Here are a couple songs I made!
Hello! At the end of summer, I visited Jeju and filmed little performances, mostly around Gimnyeong, of summery Le chat au café songs and Jeju-themed original songs from previous albums.
이번 여름에 제주 김녕해수욕장의 아름다운 풍경 앞에 연주를 하고 영상도 찍었다!
In addition, I have updated the events page to include links to previous performances, including full-set recordings. In the most recent one, I played covers of The Beach Boys, Lee Lang and Françoise Hardy!
사이트 업데이트도 했다. 유튜브 공연 영상 링크를 추가했다. 최근에 비치보이스, 이랑, 프랑수아즈 아르디 커버송 공연도 포함이다!
Last year, Le chat au café traveled to Hokkaido, and the resulting travelogue album is the 45-song Hokkaido. It’s separated into six parts, and I made an accompanying vlog-style music video for each disc! You can download it here or watch it on YouTube in the videos below. Thank you!
작년 여름에 홋카이도 여행을 가서 여행 경험을 담여 있는 노래들을 만들었다. 홋카이도 ’여행 앨범‘ 1-6부 유투브에 즐겁게 감상하고 시원한 여름 바람을 함께 느끼자!
DISC 1 1 GMP-HND 2 Hakodate 3 Hakodate City Regional Exchange Town Planning Center 4 #3 Best Night View in Japan! 5 Qu’est-ce que la lune représente? 6 Shira Sudachi Beer (No Cat in Sight) 7 Late Night Lawson (Ayano Kaneko cover) 8 Marigold Sunset (Aimyon cover)
DISC 2 1 Hachimanzaka By Day 2 An Unexpected Visit to Motomachi Park 3 House of Yellow and Blue 4 Teashop Yuhi (Lang Lee cover) 5 Sapporo Classic — Hokkaido Only 6 Parfait Parfait 7 Hachimanzaka By Night
DISC 3 1 Ohayo, Hakodate Morning Market Asaichi! 2 A Tree-Lined Path Toward the Trappist Monastery 3 Monk’s Cookies & Cream 4 Colz’s Nippon-Italiano 9-Course Meal 5 Hana’s Walking Tour of Hakodate 6 (No) Lucky Pierrot
DISC 4 1 HKD-OKD 2 Tiny Squid 3 Sapporo II 4 ‘Murder in Susukino!’ 5 Patagonia 6 Kitakaro 7 Suage+++ 8 Hana Style vs. Ethan Style 9 Ramen Shingen Song
DISC 5 1 Happy Birthday To You 2 All Aboard the Norokko Train to Furano 3 Lavender Fields Forever 4 Nanaka’s Garden 5 Biei, Bien, Biei 6 Aoiike, autrement dit ‘5 secondes au paradis’ 7 Asahikawa, Just a Transfer Town (For Now) 8 The Don Song/Unidon & Butadon 9 Lechat Chat [4 a.m. Edition] 10 Odori Park II
DISC 6 1 Atelier Morihiko 2 Cats of Hokkaido 3 Maruyama Park 4 CTS-ICN 5 Bus nocturne (Aimyon cover)
Finally, Le chat au café’s first guitar album is here! It’s something new, while at the same time being my own ‘get back’ album, since many of these songs are extremely rough. I would describe this album best as ‘ugly but honest’ and I’m extremely happy with how it turned out. Thank you for listening!
드디어 르샤오카페 첫 기타 앨범이 놔왔습니다! 새로운 것인데 옛날 처럼 작곡했습니다. 노래들이 ‘못생긴’ 것 같지만 솔직합니다. 저는 완료 잘 해서 마족합니다.
Played Buskers at Phillies open mic last weekend! It’s great to have an organization that supports the local music community, and there are a variety of performers. Major appreciation for Steve, the organizer of the event, and looking forward to playing again next time!
저번 주 한 오픈 마이크 공연 영상입니다. 지역 뮤지션 커뮤니티를 지원하는 이벤트가 있어서 다행이고 다음 공연 이벤트를 기대합니다!
Excerpts in the video: Homebody, A Moth and a Butterfly, All My Happiness is Gone (Purple Mountains cover)
Mon nouvel album de guitare est sortie! Je continue à apprendre la guitare, et cette fois-ci, je voulais faire de la musique avec le goût un peu country, un peu chill, et voilà, “Bienvenue chez Lechat”! Pour cet album, j’ai pensé aux deux ans quand j’ai été en France – un fois à Orléans pour étudier, et après à Issoudun pour travailler. J’ai aussi préparé des clips pour chaque chanson sur YouTube. Appuyez ici pour télécharger l’album numérique.
새로운 기타 앨범 ‘Bienvenue chez Lechat’ 나왔습니다. 지금까지 기타를 배우고 있어서 이번에 불어로 하고 싶었습니다. 프랑스 추억에 생각하면서 노래들을 작곡했습니다. 유튜브 채널에서 영상들을 만들었습니다. 링크를 누르고 무료로 다운 받으세요!
Sufjan Stevens’ electronic album Age of Adz came out 13 years ago. It’s one of my favorite albums of all time and consistently a source of inspiration for me, as it sounds radically different from what he was known for. It’s phenomenal, particularly the last song, the 20-minute Impossible Soul. The album ended up being much harder to cover than the previous full-album versions of David Bowie’s Low and of Montreal’s Hissing Fauna I did. I don’t think the entire project is as successful as the of Montreal one, but I could not be more satisfied with Impossible Soul. I sprinkled in covers of other songs medley-style throughout the album, but the ones in Impossible Soul make me especially proud.
Sufjan Stevens의 Age of Adz를 커버 앨범 만들었습니다. 가장 좋아하는 앨범 중에 하나 입니다. 13년 전에 앨범을 나왔지만 지금까지 저에게 영항을 계속 합니다. Sufjan Stevens은 인디 폴크 싱어송라이터인데 이 앨범이 이렉트로닉 팝 앨범이어서 Sufjan의 아쿠스틱 앨범을 비교하면 완전히 다릅니다. 이 Age of Fiz 커버 엘범을 재미있게 만들어서 커버 버전을 들으면 자랑스럽니다. 아래 링크를 누르면 다운 받을 수 있습니다.